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There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Focused on the Future

In spite of the fact that P and I had a falling out with his mum last week, life ain’t so bad. This incident made me realize what a great man I have in P. Although things are still unresolved with my FMIL (that's future mother-in-law and not another F word like some of you might think!), I am actually okay with it because I know without a doubt that P will always back me up no matter what.

I also received a very nice present in the post this week. My German friend sent us a voucher for a couple’s massage and nourishing frangipani soak at one of the most exclusive spas in Mayfair, London! My eyes almost bugged out when I found out how much it cost and I can’t wait to use it when I’m over there for the holidays. Who knows? We may even run into some celebrities! After the stress of getting the wedding organized, the spa treatment will be bliss. Thank you very much, DE friend!

I know I’m lucky to have P and true friends who sincerely love and care about me. So many people accept sorry excuses for friends, just because they either don’t want to be lonely or they can’t get any better. P and I have done a lot of cleaning out of useless ‘hangers on’ this past year and I have to say that life is a lot more pleasant these days. Life is stressful enough without so-called ‘friends’ sucking up your energy and money!

On the topic of money, we are focused on building a life together and have decided that from now on, instead of buying each other gifts (he buys me diamonds, I buy him t-shirts!), our presents will be either cash, stocks/shares or carefully chosen art pieces that will appreciate in value. Although we have not been frivolous with money this year, we have spent a lot on my apartment, travel and the wedding. It is time to add to our assets and I for one, cannot wait to get started!


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