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There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Monday, October 01, 2007

I Need a Weekend

To recover from my weekend!

It is Monday morning and I am absolutely exhausted, stiff and suffering from heatstroke. As a soon-to-be-married woman, you’d have thought that the pace of life would slow down a bit, but that’s not happening at all. In fact, it’s the opposite!

Friday Night
I went out with my colleagues for happy hour at 6.30pm. Five hours later, we were still knocking back lye chee martinis. I finally staggered home with a pounding headache and passed out after gulping down three glasses of water.

Saturday Morning
I was up not-so-bright but early for a company bowling tournament. Imagine being in a noisy and crowded bowling alley with the sound of pins crashing over your hangover. Our all-female “Dim Sum Bowlies” were in the next lane to the best team in the company, the all-male “Devil Swingers” (I think it refers to the motion of the bowling arm and not to spouse swapping). That alone should give you an indication of things to come.

The DSB gals did a good job of polishing the drains. My score over three games was 89, 103 and then 62. I got everything from zeros to strikes so consistency is not my middle name. During the last set, the guys from team DS told me that the ball was bowling me and not the other way around. Our team was so bad that the DS boys even gave us tips! In the end, they came in first and we came in last out of 21 teams. But a great morning was had by all and we had so much fun. What our team lacked in skill and stamina, we made up for with a can-do attitude and lots of laughter!

Saturday Afternoon
When I got home, I hoped to sleep off my alcoholic fug, but my inconsiderate neighbour on the 9th floor had her contractor in. He was drilling and hammering after the official renovation work hours. I went up and politely asked her to get him to stop, but she refused even when the building supervisor talked to her. Simple solution: I threatened to call the police and miraculously, there was no need for any more renovation work! The way I see it is this: if I can’t have the quiet to enjoy my afternoon nap, then she’s not going to have any peace either. (): -)

Saturday Night
It was Huney’s 25th birthday so my good friend Yeller Fever and I had drinks at my place before heading over to her party. We are older than Huney and her friends by at least 10 years, all former international school students who are very polished and intellectual. They stood around making conversation and sipping their drinks while Yeller Fever and I burned up the dance floor! We may be old(er), but we're certainly not boring!

Sunday Morning
The last bike hash I went to was in May, so I realized that five months off the saddle and no exercise in between meant I had to take it easy.

I had also invited my neighbour, the young JC to come along. He and his friend, the young Key Wee, who lives across the street from us, decided to cycle from where we live to the hash’s starting point. That wouldn’t have been a bad idea except that it was an additional hour’s ride under the scorching sun, they were both out late on Saturday night and they had never done the bike hash before!

The ride was pretty uneventful (for me anyway), although our group got caught up in a motor cross competition and a bike fell on my dad! Luckily, he escaped with just a few scratches on his legs after shouting at the guy to, “Get your bike off me, you idiot!” ha ha ha. Am I my father's daughter or what?!

I took all the short cuts that were possible and rode back pretty comfortably after a couple of hours. I found the young JC sprawled under a tree, red-faced, dehydrated and not up to social niceties. The young KW came back shortly afterwards and he wasn’t in much better shape either. Although the two boys are fit, the sun here is so strong that it can make you really ill. No matter how much fluid you drink, it never seems to be enough. Wisely, they called taxis for the journey home.

Sunday Evening
My ex-boss and her husband came over for drinks and then we went out for dinner. As it was a school night, we went home quite early. I realized while I was getting ready for bed that my shoulders were completely pink and sore. After the ride, I had changed from a long-sleeved tee into a tank top as it was so hot. Although I stood under a tree, I still got burnt.

I didn’t sleep very well as I was sweating even with the air-con on. I was nauseous and had to keep getting up to drink water.

I smsed the young JC this morning and he is in the same state as I am. Worse of all, he’s on a business trip. At least I can just collapse quietly at my desk while trying not to yawn too conspicuously. Is it Friday yet?!!


Blogger Karen said...

omfg just reading about your weekend is making me want to head back to bed! :D how in the world do you still have so much stamina for just one bloody weekend?! :)

10:10 PM  

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