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There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Insatiable Pile of Bricking

Although the joy of living in my own space still hasn’t diminished (and I hope it never does), the reality of being a homeowner is that it does hit your bank balance pretty hard.

Contrary to what some people might think, my dad did NOT buy me this apartment (I wish!!). I paid for the down payment through selling something that I owned and by working hard all these years. He was generous enough to give me a bit of money last year to furnish the place, but I invested it along with my other savings. Luckily the market experienced a bull run, and I then used the returns (thankfully not having to touch my principal) to buy fixtures and fittings for the apartment.

I am an avid list maker and had budgeted for what I thought was all I needed to spend. However, as this is my first home, I know now that I really didn’t have a clue as to how much it would all be. As I have said before, there have been so many unexpected costs and they keep on coming!

I have thus come up with a budget for myself until the end of the year and in conclusion, I can say hand-on-heart that I will not be:

1. Buying new clothes, shoes or handbags,
2. Eating at restaurants,
3. Partying outside of happy hour and
4. Taking taxis

In the foreseeable future, if ever again! So if you guys want to see me, you’ll have to pay for my meal and drinks unless we go to a hawker centre. I wish I was joking, but I’m not!

Is all the sacrifice worth it? To me, that would be a definite YES. To achieve and maintain something of value takes work. I am not the type of person who looks for a quick fix or to other people to bail me out. Although I love to spend money, I have never been in debt before, having always been careful not to spend more than I earn. Well, that's gone out the window now! Although some people have said that a mortgage doesn't count ha ha.

P has been great in offering to pay for some bills, which has helped, but the apartment has a voracious appetite that seems to know no end!

P said something to me the other day that struck a cord: That my new home to me is like I am to him. You love it with all of your heart, but it just keeps taking without regard for your feelings and costs you so much money!

Well, you know what they say: what goes around comes around. So now I know how he feels!

Note to self: Be much more appreciative of P from now on.


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