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Location: the Tropics

There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Monday, September 24, 2007

A Typical Saturday

7.00am: Wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, draw open curtains, lay back in bed and enjoy the view of “my” big tree and watch the sun rise.

7.30am: Make coffee and prepare (take out of fridge and microwave) breakfast. Get back into bed. Eat.

9.00am: Walk to favourite new hang out, the neighbourhood wet market, and buy big juicy grapes and fresh flowers

10.00am: Change into cute pink Brazilian bikini and go for a swim in the condo’s lap pool which is always warm as it catches the sun the entire day

11.00am: Run bath, scatter rose petals, slap on a face mask, condition hair, lay back in stone tub and relax

2.00pm: Attend scrapbook class to make French tunnel book (should be renamed French torture book, fiddly and takes about eight hours to complete)

6.00pm: Go for dinner with scrapbook friends

9.00pm: Get into bed and talk on the phone to P

11.00pm: Snuggle down into 100% feather pillows and fall asleep thinking that I’m the luckiest girl alive!

Reality check:
Of course I also have to pay the bills and do boring chores like the laundry but that just doesn’t sound as fun, does it?


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