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Location: the Tropics

There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Shear Inspiration – Amazing Women

Yesterday, I received an email from Clippers, an expatriate woman I know, with the subject: Shear Inspiration.

It is an initiative aimed at raising funds and awareness for the Children's Cancer Foundation. A group of 20 women are shaving their heads this Saturday to raise S$250,000 to fund one of the two bone marrow transplant rooms that the CCF wants to install at the women and children’s hospital here on our small island.

There are currently 18 children with a bone marrow match waiting for the rooms to become available so that they can have their transplant. When a child has a bone marrow transplant, they are confined to their sterile room for six weeks. With a total of only five sterile rooms on our whole island, combined with the time it takes for the treatment, there is a waitlist. Hence, the need for a wonderful initiative like this.

I would have loved to participate as well and had thought about doing something like this last year. I only found out about the event this week and they already have their 20 women. Plus, with the wedding coming up in November, do I really want to have matching haircuts with the groom?!!

As I am completely inspired (their objective) by what they are doing, I decided that the next best thing would be to try and raise some additional funds for Clippers. So my colleagues and favourite aunt have combined to cough up almost S$1,000 in support of her head shaving exercise this weekend. Not too bad indeed! In addition, some of the people on our bike hash (unbeknownst to me, Clipper’s husband is also a member!) will also be donating so that is wonderful news all round!

Unfortunately, I will not be able to go as P will be in town and we have a family dinner which has been planned for weeks. However, I look forward to seeing the photos and to hearing all about the event and will definitely update you guys.

For those of you who are interested in reading more about Shear Inspiration, please visit their website.

Updated on 18 May 2007: The total collected from my colleagues is S$1,242! So with my aunt's and the bike hash members' contributions, we are looking at over S$1,500! Yahooooooooooooo!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent Blog!! My blog is
You can translation to English ok?

6:47 PM  

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