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There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

As the Wedding World Turns…

These are the nightmarish days of a bride-to-be’s life.

The soap opera that is now my life rolls on relentlessly. Not only am I in the midst of looking for an alternative wedding venue, but I also had a major falling out with my MC this past weekend and may have to get a new one if he doesn’t apologize to me soon!

The seed that started our argument was planted a few months back, when my ex-husband Mark visited our small island and came out partying with a group of about 12 – 15 of my friends one night. My MC invited an Australian colleague of his, Sheila, and when she arrived, all of our eyes just about popped out.

Although a very attractive woman in her early 30s, she definitely suffered from a case of “trying too hard”. She wore a very skimpy halter-neck top that covered so little of her assets that you could actually see that they were asymmetrical. Folks, I kid you not, the left one was bigger than the right by quite a bit!

Me being the gossip that I am, I immediately texted my friend Ken across the table. He read my message, looked at her chest and just laughed out loud. A bit rude I admit, but then I’ve never pretended to be otherwise. My friends, P and I were all having a good laugh at Sheila’s expense but then it just got funnier.

Now Mark is not a bad looking man. More like a big brother to me these days, but I can see how other women might find him attractive. Anyway, Sheila was using her big guns to maximum advantage, and each time she talked to him, she would lean across the table and squeeze her assets together. It was so obvious that Mark even told me he had to tell himself, “Look at her face! LOOK AT HER FACE!”

So it was no surprise to anyone that they ended up bleeping that night, although my MC kept denying that they had gone home together. However, other sources told me otherwise.

I found the whole incident hilarious and would still joke about it now and then. The way I see it is this: if Sheila didn’t want people gossiping about her, then she wouldn’t have slept with someone’s ex-husband on the first night of meeting this group of people through a work contact. Although I’ve been a naughty girl in my past, this is something I certainly would not do. I’ve learnt the hard way that you do not mix business with pleasure as it always comes back and bites you in the hiney.

My MC became very protective of Sheila and didn’t like me talking about this incident. I later found out that it was because she already had a boyfriend at the time she hooked up with Mark, and my MC didn’t want her boyfriend finding out about her infidelity. Boy oh boy, the tangled webs we weave…

Of course, that didn’t stop me from talking about it some more ha ha. When I met up with another friend Chilli Padi at my MC’s birthday party this past Saturday night, we laughed about it because Sheila was also there. At some point during the evening, my MC told me that he didn’t want me mention it anymore because I had to respect the fact that Sheila didn’t want anything to ruin her relationship with her boyfriend!

Now all of you who know me well (and most of you do) also know that I do not take kindly to anyone telling me what to do. The only person who can get away with that is the person who pays my salary every month. Even P and my dad don’t tell me what to do as they are not stupid. If you try, it will be the first and last time. I am definitely open to a calm one-on-one chat session, but giving me instructions? I don’t think so.

Anyway, we are at the point where my MC wants to impose his views on me and I refuse to accept them. Sheila and I actually had a very decent conversation on the night of his birthday and we didn’t talk about Mark once. I would never do anything to break up anyone’s professional or personal relationship, but that doesn’t mean I am not going to joke about them behind their backs. There is no malice intended and to me, it was all done in fun.

My MC still doesn’t get that it’s not the fact that Sheila and Mark hooked up that bothers me, but that just because he says so, I am “not allowed” to talk about it anymore. He has to learn that he cannot control his friends’ behaviour and opinions and we are currently taking a time out from the friendship.

This puts me in a very difficult position. I would like to have my MC at the wedding as we have been friends for over nine years, but he also has to realize that he has crossed my accepted boundaries. Although I am now more easy going than I was a few years ago, there are still certain behaviours that I will not tolerate. If he does not apologize, then I will have to find another MC to host the wedding.

One diva (me) at the wedding will be quite enough and I am exploring the option of getting a professional to do the job so that I don’t have to deal with yet another drama. Anybody know anyone?


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