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Location: the Tropics

There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Moving Swiftly Along or Not as the Case May Be

We have finally sent off the deposit cheque to confirm the wedding venue by the river, so there’s no turning back now! I am very relieved and look forward to spending a great evening with my family and friends. Here are a few photos of the venue in case you guys want a sneak peek:

Originally, we wanted to have a sit down dinner with only 40 guests. But we quickly realized that there are too many important people in our lives, so we are now having a more casual buffet for about 60. With the wedding only six months away, things are slowly coming together (fingers crossed!). We will be finalizing the guest list next month and sending the invites out in September.

I’ve been organizing the wedding with Rachel’s help as P has been busy interviewing. It has been a very stressful time for him, but he’s managing well in spite of the slowness of the recruitment process there. For example, he saw one recruiter four weeks ago, and it’s only today that he’s interviewing at a company through them! It is no surprise that Aussies have the reputation of being laid back and cruisy with “No worries, mate!” being their national motto.

I don't know how I would cope if I ever have to move there as I'm a very efficient person. I'm sure it will cause me a lot of frustration as I can't stand laziness and dillying and dallying around.

P will be here in two weeks and I can’t wait to see him! I’ve turned into one of those women Rachel calls “smug married” and I miss him like crazy. My friend DJ was reminding me the other day, “Remember when you told me you were so happy being single about a week before you met P?” How could I forget? I guess the universe just wanted me to eat my words…

As they say, never say never!


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