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There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Eek, I'm in my late 30's!

The inevitable has happened, I celebrated my 37th birthday yesterday and now (unwillingly) join the ranks of those in their 'late 30's'!! I know this is the lament only of the older generation but where has time gone?!! It still feels like yesterday when I graduated from university but I realize now that it has been 16 years. Oh my god! If I wasn't nursing a bad hangover, I would have a drink right now to deal with the shock.

My friends kindly organized a dinner to help me through this 'difficult time' and we ate at a lovely Italian restaurant. My dad joined us and it was a great evening. As there were so many yummy looking dishes on the menu, my dad agreed to order the squid ink pasta with cod fish and he shared a bit of it with me. Everyone ended up laughing at us because our teeth, tongue and lips were entirely coated in black ink ha ha. But it was worth it as the pasta was perfectly al dente and the sauce full of flavour!

Afterwards, we went for a few drinks and dancing although my dad didn't join us as he was going cycling at 7 this morning. I had a wonderful time with my friends, although I did miss P's presence. But he will be coming to Singapore in mid-May for two weeks and we'll be going diving then. So lots of good things to look forward to.

Have a great week everyone!


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