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Location: the Tropics

There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm in Brrringland!

I arrived safely in London after a five-hour delay on Oz Airways as there was a mechanical problem on the original plane and they had to find a replacement. I am jetlagged but at the same time, excited and happy to be here. P and I have had a long distance relationship for a year and thankfully, our time to be together has come.

The house that P found us is just perfect and I love it! We took a short walk along the river yesterday, which is literally just around the corner. Even with the gloomy skies and slight drizzle, the scenery was still stunning. I can only imagine how beautiful it will look in the summer when the trees are in full bloom. But don't take my word for it. See for yourself and drool!

The last couple of weeks on the Small Island were bittersweet. It was hard saying good bye to all my good friends. But I know that I'm lucky that I have so many great people in my life! I will miss you all a lot.

However, I also can't wait to start my new life here! I already have a lunch appointment this week and will meet more friends coming into town next week.

Anyway, my stuff should arrive next month so once the house is fully decorated, I will post photos. You can be sure that it will all look amazing! P really outdid himself with finding us this place. I am writing this in the living room right now, which has a lovely period detail like the carved ceiling light. This house was built in the 1883 and is much bigger than my apartment on our Small Island (though that really wouldn't be difficult). I would estimate it at at least 1,400 square feet excluding the garden courtyard.

As it's St Patrick's Day, P and I are going to our local pub for a nice drink. Be seeing you!


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