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There was once a woman named Jan, Who was hot because she was tan, She loved spicy food, Which she ate in the ‘hood, And spent plenty of time on the can.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Men Behaving Madly!

I bet many of you thought that my life would become a lot tamer now that I've met P and settled down. I wish I could say that this was true, but B and P have added their own twists to our group of friends and given us plenty of excitement over the last month and a half!

I will start with B, who is Paul's travelling companion on their 'aborted' round-the-world trip. Five weeks after meeting Sexy Scooter (they hooked up the same night that I met P), B proposed to her and they are now engaged! No, don't rub your eyes, it isn't a typo. I swear, hand on heart, that this is true. When all of us first found out, we were in complete and utter shock. I know that B and P's friends from back home were equally skeptical and thought this was a wind up. Well, apparently it isn't a joke and they are seriously going through with this. It may seem like insanity to the rest of us, but I still wish them the best of luck and much happiness for the future.

We also celebrated P's 37th birthday earlier this week with a close bunch of friends. The party ended up at a motorcycle bar, where the owner (who also did our tattoos) treated P to a drink called Loopy Juice (the recipe is a secret). Essentially, it is a tower of glasses with very potent alcohol at the bottom. The bartender sets another glass of alcohol on fire and pours it down the glasses, in essence, creating a towering inferno. See the accompanying photo which I took with my phone camera.

Having drunk a litre or two of vodka cranberry earlier in the night, P lost his sense of judgment and decided that sucking down the Loopy Juice was the best way to go, so that is exactly what he did. He downed it in about three seconds flat. Well, things quickly went pear-shaped after that, starting with the taxi ride home.

My flatmate Rachel, her colleague Dina, P and I shared a cab home. As we were on her way, Dina was going to drop us off and then head on further. I only realized how drunk P was when we reached our condo and he refused to get out of the taxi. Rachel had already given Dina $10 to pay for the fare, but P insisted that the taxi driver take money from him even though he refused to accept it. I told P several times to get out of the taxi but he didn't pay me any attention until I shouted, "Get out of the taxi now or else I'm going to slap you!". The taxi driver just started laughing but P finally got out.

We started to walk back towards the apartment (or so I thought) when I suddenly realized that I was on my own. I turned around and saw P hugging the life out of poor Rachel, all the while saying, "Thank you so much for letting me stay, thank you for all your support, I love you!" The ramblings of a drunken man, which I thought were pretty sweet.

We got into the apartment and P somehow managed to take his shirt off and even put it in the laundry basket. He walked into the bedroom, turned on the light, unbuckled his belt and got his jeans to his knees before collapsing on our bed face up. Luckily, his underpants were still on. He had his eyes shut and looked like he had passed out. I called Rachel to come over and have a look (a bit mean on my part I admit) and we stood at the doorway and had a quiet laugh at his expense.

With his eyes still closed, P suddenly started calling, "Raaaaaacheeeeeeel, Raaaaacheeeeeeel, come here!!!". Laughing, she went into the room and he held his arms up and said, "Give me a hug!!", which she did. Then he said again, "I love you! I love you!". My only regret of the night is forgetting to take a photo as I was too busy trying not to p*ss myself!

After this, Rachel wisely went to bed and I was tidying up when P suddenly came to and said to me, "Baybeeeeeeeeeeeee, there is something heavy on my knees!". The jeans and his belt were still around his knees and restricting his movements! I finally managed to get him sorted out and he passed out for real this time.

Rachel and I had another good laugh in the kitchen the next morning while P was still sleeping off his hangover. I told P what happened the next day and he cannot remember any of it. He was absolutely mortified when I told him what he had done and quickly sent an apologetic text to Rachel. In fact, he has spent the subsequent days trying to avoid running into her ha ha ha.

Let this be a lesson to all of you out there. Even when you think you're too old to misbehave, believe me, when alcohol is involved, nothing is impossible!


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